Friday, January 2, 2009


My ABC's:

A is for age: 13
B is for Breakfast: usually cereal or bagel
C is for Career: student?
D is for my Dog's Name: Roxy
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: ummmmm i dont know
F is for Favorite T.V. Show: what not to wear or ace of cakes
G is for Favorite Game: mexican train dominoes
H is for Hometown: Mesa, Az
I is for Instruments I Play: piano
J is for Favorite Juice: i will stick with water
K is for Kitchen, What Color is it?: cream and black
L is for the Last Place I Ate Out: pizza factory in show low
M is for Marriage: none
N is for my Nickname:
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: when i was born
P is for People I was With Today: just my family
Q is for Quote: A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit
R is for Biggest Regret: ummm.... i dont know
S is for Sport: volleyball or tennis
T is for Time I Woke Up Today: 8:30 or 9:00
U is for Favorite Piece of Undergarment: idk
V is for Last Vacation you Took: to show low a few days ago
W is for Worst Habit: idk
X is for X-rays I Have Had: when i broke my arm???
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today: nothing to yummy...we need to go to the grocery store
Z is for Zodiac:gemini

I tag : Haley, Mom, Shelby, Kayla, and Karly

Christmas Break

Chicken Enchilada with a Taco Supreme...thats an inside joke!
For some reason my computer wouldnt let me flip the picture.

This is CRAZY Kayla being burried in the freezing cold snow!

Me and Kaylas snow angels.We played outside in the snow alot and went sledding for a day. Me and Kayla crashed just about every time we went on together. We stayed up there for like 6 days but the Paynes only stayed up like half the time but we had a lot of fun!